The 240,000 sq ft project will replace outdated facilities with a high quality environment consistent with the hospital’s world-class paediatric care and research activities.

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Sisk and architect BDP were up against Skanska, which teamed up with Heatherwick Studio and HOK, for the prestigious project making up phase four of the children’s hospital redevelopment plan.
Carillion had also been shortlisted with Eric Parry Architects acting as design architect but had fallen out of the running.
Skanska looked an early favourite for the job having secured previous phases at the children’s hospital including stepping in to build a rare diseases research centre after Bouygues failed to negotiate a final price in the two-stage bid process.
The Trust is now entering into an early design agreement with John Sisk & Son so that design development work can continue and the scheme can be brought forward for planning permission.
The project includes 120 beds, outpatient rooms, radiology suites, a new school, activity centre, office space and a roof garden.
As well as providing much-needed additional clinical space and improving campus circulation, construction of the new building is being seen as a great opportunity to present a less institutional facade to visitors.
Sweett Group, in conjunction with a small group of consultants, is acting as cost consultant advising GOSH on phase 4.