Chief Secretary Danny Alexander said the pipeline of over £100bn worth of public investment in infrastructure projects to 2020 would ensure that Britain could compete in the global race.
The mix of old and new schemes will include over £70bn of investment in transport, over £20bn in schools and £10bn in science, housing and flood defences.
He pledged Government-backed guarantees to Hinkley C nuclear power station and the £600m Merseygateway bridge.
By 2020 to 2021 the government plans to triple the money spent on roads compared to 2013. This includes £6bn to help local authorities repair the local road network.
It will also support a £30bn rail investment programme over the period, £16bn of which is earmarked for the early stages of HS2.
A further £3.3bn was earmarked for the next three years to build 165,000 homes and and new £250m prison will be built in north Wales.
Up to 261 of the country’s worst schols will be rebuilt by 2017. Another £10bn will be invested in tackling other schools in need of repair and investment.
Regional spread of projects planned for Britain – click map twice for details