Transport Scotland has awarded the ground investigation deal as the first of three design contracts worth £180m.
The deal covers dualling over 43 km of the stretch of the A9 between Glengarry and Dalraddy to CH2MHill/Fairhurst.
The joint venture design consultancy will start work on the middle section of the route next month.
Transport Minister Keith Brown said: “The A9 Dualling programme is the most expensive transport project in Scotland’s history and presents some of the most challenging work ever witnessed.
“The appointment of the first design consultancy for this mammoth project marks another significant milestone in this Government’s commitment to the project.
“There will also be many opportunities for small and medium enterprises through sub-consultancy work and the winning bidder has also committed to providing 35 full time roles and 28 summer placement opportunities for apprentices, work experience students and graduates.”
Brown also announced that Transport Scotland will award the ground investigation contract for the 8 km Birnam to Tay Crossing section to Soil Engineering.
Work is expected to begin next month and last for six months.
Brown added: “Last month, we announced that the dualling programme would comprise 12 sections to be dualled by 2025 with three sections expected to be shovel ready in 2017, subject to completion of required statutory procedures.
“There is no let-up in the work going on and these important ground investigations will give us the detailed information needed to progress the draft Orders for the difficult Birnam to Tay Crossing section, expected to be published in 2015.”