The framework will extend public sector procurement specialist Scape’s current portfolio of national construction and professional services panels.
A market engagement day with potential bidders is planned in two weeks to set out plans for the new framework.
Scape civils framework event
The Market Awareness event will take place on Friday 16 May at the Nottingham Belfry Hotel, near junction 26 of the M1 (NG8 6PY) from 9:30am to 12:00pm.
Potential suppliers are limited to a maximum of three attendees per organisation.
To register an interest in attending, email: [email protected] with “Scape National Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Framework Market Awareness” in the subject field and include the organisation name and names and position of each attendee within the organisation.
Mark Robinson, group chief executive at Scape, said: “Our clients asked that we considered the procurement of a national civil engineering and infrastructure framework.
“The framework will be able to deliver on large-scale, high-profile projects such as associated infrastructure around HS2.
“It will meet the immediate need of the large number of public sector bodies to carry out projects such as flood defence work, footbridges, public realm and local road network improvements that they need.
“We envisage that a single provider will be awarded the framework at the conclusion of the procurement process but we expect to see consortia formed to bid for the deal,” he added.
A wide range of civil engineering and infrastructure services will be included in the framework.
These will include: architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services; urban planning and landscape architectural services; laboratory services; consulting services for water supply; monitoring and control services among others.
Scape has just advertised a Prior Information Notice in the Official Journal of the European Union to make the market aware of this procurement.
At the event, Scape will inform the market about the upcoming procurement and provide an opportunity to consult with and receive feedback from potential suppliers.