Organiser Morris Site Machinery is searching for promising young welders between the ages of 16 – 25 to enter the competition to discover and crown the UK’s top construction talent.
The competition will see four finalist teams battle it out in a series of competitive and creative challenges to showcase their skills and knowledge with a Q&A and safety round, a welding skills section plus a creative test to recreate a world famous landmark.
The winning team will receive £2,000 for their welding department or workplace, as well as £250 for each winning team contestant.
Phil Winnington, Managing Director at Morris Site Machinery said: “We’re thrilled to be bringing The Great British Weld-Off back for 2015.
“Earlier this year, we crowned an incredibly talented young team of welders from Coleg Cambria and we cannot wait to see what raw talent comes through this time.
“I would urge apprentices and students in the welding sector to consider this opportunity as part of their career development.
“The UK welding industry is getting busier and even more competitive and we are here to help young people get ahead and enhance their skills and knowledge.”
Welding Category Manager Richard Denholm from Speedy said: “We are delighted to be supporting this competition for a second year. The competition is a great opportunity for youngsters to come together and not only enhance their knowledge and skills, but also work together and meet new people.”
To download an entry form click here