Willmott Dixon began construction in April of last year on the first 91 homes under a £27m contract, which form part of the initial exemplar phase to build 393 true zero carbon homes.
The outline application for 155 hectares of land North of Lords Lane marks the next major step towards the delivery of the NW Bicester masterplan to build 6,000 true zero carbon homes.
It will make a significant contribution to the local housing need as part of the wider Bicester garden town as set out in Cherwell District Council’s emerging Local Plan.
Approved plan
- 30% affordable homes including extra care apartments for the elderly with supporting facilities, and a network of allotments
- A new primary school with playing fields and an extension to the Exemplar primary school , a, nursery, sports pitch and pavilion
- A local centre with convenience store, cafe, restaurant and shops, a public square and community hall
- An energy centre, GP practice, business and office provision and a place of worship
- A country park, play areas, community farm and woodland burial ground
Gerry Walker, regional development director at A2Dominion, said: “This is the next major part of the overall development at NW Bicester, the country’s only true zero carbon development and we are pleased this stage is complete.
“NW Bicester will create the UK’s most sustainable development, providing a comprehensive mixed scheme where residents can make sustainable lifestyle choices.
“A2Dominion is already working on Reserved Matters applications for specific phases of the application in anticipation of being able to make a quick start once the Legal Agreement to accompany the Resolution to Grant Outline planning permission is finalised.”
Gary Young, Partner at Farrells said: “This decision has come at an important time, when housing is high on both the government’s and the public’s agenda. With planning awarded for the next phase, NW Bicester masterplan will deliver much needed new true zero carbon homes.
“The Farrell Review argued for design quality being a much higher priority within government, and along with NW Bicester housing being cited as an exemplar in the Starter Homes initiative, the planning approval is confirmation that we can raise the design standard of new-build homes as well as the expectations of those who buy and live in them.
“NW Bicester is a truly pioneering development which promotes healthy living as the UK’s first truly zero carbon community, with 40% of the land set aside for green infrastructure and provision for local food growing including allotments and a community farm.”