According to the Liverpool procurement specialist the Education Modular Buildings Framework offers an expected £225m of work over four years.
The new framework has four lots including: Hire of temporary accommodation; modular construction proects up to £750,000; projects valued between £750,000 and £3m; and whole school or bigger projects worth over £3m.
Multiple and single supply partners are being sought for appointment and various call-off options.
Nick Verburg, Procurement and Supply Chain Manager at Fusion21, said: “This framework offers a flexible procurement solution to all education providers and local authorities who are under pressure to accommodate growing student numbers and require either permanent or temporary safe learning spaces.
“Fusion21 members accessing this framework – including local education authorities, academies, colleges and universities – will benefit from significant efficiency savings and social value, and will gain quality modular buildings which are compliant with all building regulations and present lower carbon emissions than traditional builds.”
The framework is now available on the mytenders web portal – under Notice ID FEB138891. The submission deadline for the framework is 5 April.