The bulk of works will be to build a £93m private rental flats scheme for developer Patrizia UK.
The firm’s civil arm also has secured highways works for Warwickshire County Cricket Club as it creates 76,000 sq ft of car parking and a large piazza ahead of the Commonwealth Games in 18 months.
On ‘The Residences’ build to rent scheme, Winvic will deliver 375 flats across five concrete-framed blocks of five, seven, eight, 13 and 18-storeys building using two site tower cranes
Full fit-out will also be undertaken by Winvic and the project handover will take place over five phases, facilitating the cricket club, car park, conference facilities and practice nets to remain open throughout the works.

Job includes a landscaped podium deck with undercroft car parking and also a rooftop amenity space for residents to enjoy
Edgbaston Road will be realigned and a new opening on Pershore Road will be formed by Winvic as part of the programme, plus an access road through the site will also be constructed.
The work is scheduled to be completed in the second half of 2023.
Initial activity for WCCC on the western side of the stadium will include ground works as well as the demolition of a derelict building.
This is in preparation for the reconfiguration of the existing car park and creation of new parking areas, resulting in a further 229 spaces than the current provision.
A new 56,500 sq ft entrance plaza will also be constructed, which will enhance the main arrival space for visitors as well as help improve accessibility and circulation around the famous cricket stadium.
Mark Jones, Winvic’s Director of Multi-room, said: “The Residences BTR project and redevelopment works for Warwickshire County Cricket Club are both exciting schemes in different ways, and winning these contracts illustrates Winvic’s breadth of experience across the various areas of construction.
“We have already built a great relationship with these two new clients and we’re looking forward to exceeding their expectations.”
Craig Flindall, Chief Operating Officer at Warwickshire CCC, said: “Today’s start by our construction partner Winvic ensures that key elements of our redevelopment project will be completed ahead of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games and everything will be completed by Autumn 2023.
“In the coming weeks we intend to reveal plans for the third phase of the Edgbaston Masterplan, which will include the next phase of the redevelopment of the stadium”.