The project is one of the first to be funded within the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal and will see Story work on the Northern Gateway and Eric Wright Civil Engineering on the Southern Gateway of the station.
The Carlisle Station Gateway project
Northern Gateway: Partial pedestrianisation of Court Square, enhancements to the space for passengers to enter and exit the station with easy access to ticket purchasing facilities.
Station Building and Interior: Enhancements to the access to the platforms from the north and the undercroft using an easily accessible stairway. The undercroft will also be enhanced to provide a secure and welcoming entrance to the station from the South.
Southern Gateway: A new southern entrance and parking facility 423 cars. Together with the parking, coach services, rail replacement services and pick-up and drop-off will also be relocated to the southern side of the station. Cumbria County Council has recently acquired the Station Retail Park to enable delivery of the new Southern Gateway.
Enabling Streets and Junctions: Junction improvements at Victoria Viaduct / James Street, Water Street, Crown Street and Court Square Brow to improve access to the station, particularly for pedestrians.