The new £1.3bn framework will replace the previous surfacing and pavement arrangement, presently dominated by Tarmac Trading and Aggregate Industries for projects valued over £1m.
Under the new proposed set up, the existing framework of six geographical areas with two lots per area for projects either worth under or over £1m will be replaced by 9 regional lots based around England’s regional maintenance areas.
This will include three new super regions and the six smaller English regions.
Lotting structure across National Highways areas
- North Super Region: Areas 10, 12, 13 and 14
- Central Super Region: Areas 6, 7, 8 and 9
- South Super Region: Areas 1, 2, 3 and 4
- North East Region: Areas 12 and 14
- North West Region: Areas 10 and 13
- Midlands Region: Areas 7 and 9
- East Region: Areas 6 and 8
- South West Region: Areas 1 and 2
- South East: Areas 3 and 4
Firms have until 12 May to submit bids for spots on the framework which will run for five years.
Procurement documents will be available free of charge in the next few days from the Bravo Solutions highways portal, or email National Highways for more details.