The existing University Hospital Monklands has greatly exceeded its design life posing many operational and financial challenges said the trust.
Under present plans, the new hospital at Wester Moffat is expected to be opened in 2028.
Plans have been drawn up by Keppie Design serving as architect for the Monklands Replacement Project.

New hospital will be the first in Scotland to be designed from the outset as fully net zero for both the build and operation phases
NHS Lanarkshire is seeking to procure a design and delivery partner using a two-stage tender, shortlising three firms.
Depending on the outcome of the selected contractor’s second stage tender, up to four contracts could eventually be let.
(1) a pre-construction services agreement for design services from the end of RIBA Stage 3
(2) an advance works contract for enabling works;
(3) a building contract for the main MRP
(4) a maintenance contract
Work required to the East Airdrie Link Road could also be carried out by the contractor or under a separate contract.
The value of the contract could rise to £800m depending on the extent of any work on the East Airdrie Link Road.
Firms have until 13 June to submit prequal information with shortlisted firms invited to tender on 5 July.
For more information and to record an interest click here.