Morgan Sindall is the only contractor successfully to renew from the previous framework line-up with Mountjoy, Neilcott Construction and Tilbury Douglas Construction joining for the first time.
Previous incumbents included Beard, Kier, and Wates Smartspace.
The firms will deliver schools, blue light and other public sector new-build and refurbishment project across southern England.
A second group of firms have been appointed to cover residential-led construction works for smaller-scale housing-led schemes in Hampshire and neighbouring counties.
Extensions, refurbishments, and alterations to other types of buildings is also covered.
The project scope covers projects of 25-35 units or up to £6.5m and is worth around £100m.
Six firms have been chosen: Ascia Construction, Doswell Projects, Etec Contract Services, Feltham Construction, Francis Construction, Portsmere Construction