Over a two year period, The Sydney Russell School and Dagenham Park Church of England School will benefit from major financial investment from BSF, with extensive remodeling to the existing buildings and new build.
Each school will have high quality facilities and integrated information communication technology to help deliver personalised learning tailored to the needs, interests and aptitudes of every child.
The procurement phase of the project was also particularly short, only 15 months from OJEU advertisement to financial close.
Originally Laing O’Rourke was to have rebuilt or refurbished all secondary schools in the Barking and Dagenham region as part of a £270m BSF deal.
Andrew Shepherd, Laing O’Rourke’s Project Director, said: “As one of the country’s leading constructors in the public sector environment, we are tremendously proud and excited to have reached financial close on this transformational educational programme.”
Cllr Rocky Gill, Deputy Leader and Cabinet member for Education and Children, said: “We are delighted the two sample schools are going ahead and they will benefit children in the borough to give them the best start in life.”