The mixed-use scheme signals a fresh wave of interest from developers in proposing high-rise schemes for west London, the largest of which was unveiled last week by Shard developer Irvine Sellar for a 65-floor mixed use tower in Paddington.
The Chiswick building complex is the latest proposal for the site after previous developer London and Bath Estates shelved the planned Octopus building and sold the site on to Galliard.
Previous Octopus building plan
New residential-led scheme will still feature digital advertising alongside the M4 flyover
The new scheme, designed by Studio Egret West, will see a podium structure rising to five floors for office and retails space with two curving residential towers providing 320 homes.
Digital advertising will be incorporated in the first five floors of the building which stands next to the M4 flyover in London, a throwback to the controversial Octopus building proposal, which would have featured an LED shroud, displaying adverts to passing drivers.
A planning application is expected to be lodged by the Galliard Homes development company Starbones with Hounslow Council later this year after a public consultation.