Shortlisted bidding consortia for the West Territory Hub include Morgan Sindall, Robertson and Laing ORourke.
They are chasing around £200m worth of work, which is expected to be spent through the regional hub in the first decade. There is also potential to extend to a total of £400m over the 20-year life of the deal.
- Wellspring consortium: Morgan Sindall, Appollo Capital Projects, Community Solutions Investment Partners
- Amber Blue consortium: Robertson Group, Forth Holdings, International Public Partnerships
- Triarc: Laing O’Rourke, Hochtief Concessions, Dawn Group, Currie & Brown.
Shortlisted bidders
The West Territory Board will select its preferred private sector partner by end March 2012.
The hub project will cover projects in Glasgow, Inverclyde, East and West Dumbartonshire and East Renfrewshire.
More than £1bn of new community projects will be built across Scotland through five hub areas.
Tony Curran, Chairman, west territory programme board, said: “This is a good result for the board and we are excited to have three excellent short-listed bidders to work with.
“In these difficult times for both public and private sectors, hub provides an opportunity for integrated service delivery, asset management, regeneration and the delivery of community benefits.”
Neil Grice, hub programme manager at Scottish Futures Trust, said: “This is another important step for hub West on the way to deliver improved public services for the community by building quality buildings using local suppliers and contractors, while bringing the best value possible to the taxpayer.
“The announcement of the shortlist of bidders for West hub follows the success of South East and North and the ongoing procurement of East Central.”