Experts at the University of Manchester have highlighted the huge risk to builders working in direct sunlight which is intensified after reflecting off surfaces like concrete.
Dr Henry Goodall, President of the Society of Occupational Medicine, said: “Neglecting to cover up under the hot sun can be just as dangerous as forgetting to wear a hard hat.
“We need to send a clear message that the days of the topless builder are over. Skin cancer may take several years to develop and it is often a young person’s disease, which can devastate a young family.”
Dr Raymond Agius, who led the research team said “Construction workers are an important focus of our research.
“Many are unaware that their work can put their health at risk of a whole range of conditions including asbestos induced tumours, serious skin conditions and skin cancer. More work is needed to support and inform them.”
The study highlighted the importance of employer- led sun training initiatives in the construction industry.
The team found that younger men were particularly likely to avoid wearing shirts.
But after appropriate training workers were more likely to adopt measures such as applying sun screen, drinking plenty of water, wearing long sleeved loose fitting tops and regularly checking their skin for changes.
One researcher said: “This study shows that there is a clear benefit to promoting simple sun safety measures to builders and other construction workers.
“Our study has found that younger men, in particular, need to be educated.
“Construction companies should engage with their workers to promote sun protection behaviours.”