The firm’s rail division is one of the leading suppliers of safety-critical staff to the industry, supplying more than one thousand onsite workers.
Ganymede’s initial partnership with Network Rail began in 1998 with only a small team of 15 workers in and around London. In 2015, Ganymede was chosen by Network Rail to be a key strategic partner for its control period five programme of work.
It is now the primary supplier of contingent labour in the LNE North, Wales, Western and Wessex Regions and secondary supplier in the East Midlands region.
This extension, along with the initial contract term now covers the first two years of CP6.
Andy Pendlebury, CEO, said: “This extension is a result of the excellent service that Ganymede delivers to Network Rail.
“I would like to extend my thanks and congratulations to the whole team at Ganymede for all their hard work and commitment.”