Plots NT02 – NT04 along Dantzic Street will be the next major area of Red Bank to take shape and include five high-rise buildings ranging from 20-storeys to 34 storeys with a further five mid-rise buildings.
The site is adjacent to FEC’s Victoria Riverside scheme. This is currently under construction and when finished will deliver 600 new apartments spread across a family of three towers and two podium buildings.
The NT02 – NT04 plots form part of New Town, which will be the first of the three distinctive neighbourhoods in the wider Red Bank masterplan to take shape.
Under the present plan, the partners aim to submit a hybrid planning application this Spring for the whole New Town area.
This will include both a detailed planning application for Plots NT02 – NT04 and an outline application for the wider Red Bank masterplan.
Subject to the planning process, works for the first stage of development could start on site early in 2024, with construction phased over a number of years.
Building on the momentum of Victoria Riverside, New Town will start to take shape from West to East, with the public realm helping to connect each phase into existing neighbourhoods.