The association said the framework covering London, Kent and Sussex could be worth up to £1.7bn.
It is breaking the work up into 10 lots. Four will covering external elements – windows, roofs and non-fire doors plus associated works – and six for Internal elements – kitchens and bathrooms plus associated works – split on a geographical basis.
The contract during will be initially for 10 years with an option for another 10 years.
Lotting structure
External works
Lot 1. London North – £108m
Lot 2. London South – £108m
Lot 3. Sussex – £192m
Lot 4. Kent – £132m
Internal works
Lot 5. London North and Essex – £228m
Lot 6. London South West – £151m
Lot 7. London South East – £175m
Lot 8. West Sussex – £206m
Lot 9. East Sussex – £175m
Lot 10. Kent and Medway – £190m
Applications need to be returned by 28 April, with an award due at the end of the year.
Further information is available from the bidding portal.