The local council is in talks with developers about now taking forward the 50 hectare brownfield regeneration scheme.
This involves plans to 3,000 new homes, shops and community facilities including a primary school, parks and play areas along the Thames riverfront.
Capita Symonds is providing planning and environmental advice on the scheme, which was originally approved by the council’s Planning Committee in December.
Cllr Andy Smith, Thurrock Council’s portfolio holder for regeneration said: “This is marvellous news for the borough as another of our schemes takes a massive step forward. We will now be focusing on finding the best partner to help us deliver the scheme.
“We haven’t been standing still and have been holding discussions, but talks between us and shortlisted parties can now accelerate and we hope to be able to make a decision by the autumn.”
He added: “Once a developer is on board we can move forward with what land acquisition and compulsory purchase is still necessary before construction work can begin.
“We are hopeful work will start on the ground towards the end of 2014 and we will see the new-look Purfleet centre become a reality over the following ten to 15 years.”